November 2019
Wind Cluster Opens a New Office in North America
Wind Cluster would like to welcome our new Team Member. Dr. Salem is our Regional General Manager for USA and Canada. Dr. Salem worked for GE Energy in Schenectady New York for the last 20 years. In his tenure years, Dr. Salem served as senior technical support manager, and condition-monitoring manager for GE Wind Services.
Dr. Salem brings a width of expertise in the areas of electrical power engineering, electrical machines, surge and lightning protection for wind facilities, monitoring and diagnostics strategies, and economic evaluation of refurbishment and replacement decisions.
Dr. Salem is an active senior member of the IEEE. Recently he was the guest speaker at the IEEE SPDC (Surge Protection Device Committee) meeting in May 2019 in Florida. He served as a member of the International Council on Large Electrical Systems (CIGRE) working group C4.36 on “Winter Lightning Parameters and Engineering Consequences for Wind Turbines”. Also, he led the CIGRE working group to write a guide on “Economic Evaluation of Refurbishment/Replacement Decisions on Generators”. Dr. Salem gave a series of talks on Wind Energy and Wind Generators at CIGRE meetings in Sydney, Paris and IEEE local Section in Schenectady NY. He received the IEEE PES Technical Committee Recognition Award in 2008 for his participation in rewriting IEEE Std. 67-2005 Guide for Operation and Maintenance of Turbine Generators. In 2003, he received the IEEE Power Engineering Society Outstanding Engineer Award. Dr. Salem is awarded 22 US patents and co-authored a number of technical papers.
Dr. Salem is a member of the AWEA-24 subcommittee and the AWEA Electrical Task Force. He will be attending the AWEA Offshore Wind Conference in Boston USA, on the 22nd and 23rd of this month, representing Wind Cluster.
Dr. Salem lives in Rexford NY with his 15 years old daughter.